Monday, January 23, 2012

So Within One Day....

Closest mountain to us. (and yes there are black squares on this picture
for a reason. Just things other people of this world don't need to see.)

Desk... awesome. where there was nothing... there is now shelving.
So within one day, it was sunny, it stormed, heavy lightning, clear skies, hail, then the clouds moved to the mountains and it coated the top half of the mountain ranges in snow. During all this, I was at work and built a shelf/desk with a laptop stand equipped with ventilation holes.

I've had several people ask me about care package stuff so here's a list off the top of my head:
-COFFEE! (whole beans, we have a grinder)
      -(powdered creamer, any flavor)
-trail mix
-beef jerky, any flavor
-If someone can figure out a way to send salsa safely, I'm pretty sure I'll get a promotion the day i bust that out.
-granola bars, chewy, crunchy, medium soft... anything like that.
-Chlorox/Lysole wipes (I'm pretty sure I spelled both of those wrong)

I'm kind out of ideas right now, but if I think of anything else, I'll let you guys know. Just try to think what you would want if you were stuck inside 12 hours a day, 70% of the time on a computer, with access to a fridge/freezer, microwave, and a coffee maker. Anything sent here is GREATLY appreciated by everyone.

That's Snow on those mountain's that wasn't there the day before
(and once again, black squares on here for a reason)


  1. Keep the faith and be humble:) I have sent 3 jammed-packed boxes of goodies so far.....none have made it? There is an abundance of ALL the items you mention! OK, I didn't send sanitizing wipes.....just not one of those germ-phobic nurses ;) It's only been since the 5th that anyone could send anything and I hear it can take 2-3 weeks for stuff to get there. Others have stuff on the way as well. Sounds like very limited access to 'real' food! (My Mom instinct was right!) Your pictures of the snow on the mountains are beautiful! Should I send your snow board on over?! My weather report shows possible snow for your area tomorrow..more pictures! Be safe, and as your mom, I am VERY grateful for your humble 'can' as things could be way different....if you know what I mean:) Keep blogging.....Love Mom and Bill

  2. Hey, I just sent you your box full of goodies, including coffee and creamer :) I actually dropped it off at the post office today, would have been sooner, but I kept getting snowed in. So I hope you get it fairly soon-ish. Now that I know about the salsa thing, I'll have to send you some of that, would you need chips as well? Or do you have that? Anyways, it is good hearing from you and I'm glad you're doing well. Miss you little brother!

  3. Hey Jake, Howzitgoin? From your discription of the weather and changes in almost sounds like you might be in Texas. Check your GPS to make sure you are where you think you are. It sounds like you are getting settled in as well as possible. Any suggestions regarding reading material, favorite authors... We will try to stagger care packages so you don't get swampped. How about the Super Bowl matchup? Sorry about the 9ers in case you are a fan.
    Take care, be safe and keep your gear ready to go.
    Uncle Bill and Roxanna

  4. Great pictures and descriptions, and amazing weather changes. I guess if you don't like the weather just wait 10 min. So the black things, who keeps them so clean ;) I showed Ron your woodwork and he can't wait till you get back so you can help him build his uke's. Very functionalble and clever job. I've got some ideas for sending salsa and will give it a try with the next box. Your first one should be there soon. Keep up the great work and blogging. The lunch crew always ask about you.
    We will talk again soon
    Love Dad and Alice
