Sunday, January 15, 2012

FOB Delaram

 So after spending some time in Leatherneck, I got shipped out with my team to FOB Delaram. FOB (Forward Operating Base) Delaram is a lot smaller than Camp Leatherneck, but big enough to still be a comfortable place to live/work. Everyone pretty much likes it here and is one of the more enjoyable places to be stationed at.  Those Tents in the picture is what we live in, and can hold 6 bunk beds comfortably, so 12 people, but ours only has 6 people so everyone gets their own rack and plenty of living space. I also like it here because the ground is pretty much completely covered in stones/pebbles/rocks that are about the size of half dollar coins to fist size. With the ground being covered with rocks, there is pretty much no lingering dust in the air like at Leatherneck, and the dust doesn't seem to get into every little thing you own either.
I can see the town of Delaram from our base which is pretty cool and we are pretty much the furthest north you can go in Afghanistan before you end up in the huge mountain ranges that cover the rest of the country. So the entire view North is a horizon of mountains that look pretty close to the size of the Rockies.  Right now is the "weather" season of Afghanistan so there is pretty big swings in the forecast throughout the week. For example, the beginning of this week was pretty cold, 50ish in the day, 40s at night, then it warmed up to around 60 something another day, and then it rained for a bit... last night there was a big thunder storm that went on for about 6 hours, tons of lightning and we even got a good amount of hail a couple times (the only downfall to my job is that no matter where I'm stationed, I'll always be working in the building attached to the largest antennas around for a 100 miles hahaha).  My work schedule is as expected, working 13+ hours every day... EVERY day. :-) we are always making jokes like on Friday morning saying stuff like "hey, so you got any plans for this weekend?" haha, and everyone seems to have the same plans as each other..... weird.  So me and my friend decided to do the math on how much we get paid hour for take home pay, including room and board..... that was a sad sight hahaha, lets just say we make less than minimum wage for the amount of hours we work, yet somehow everyone puts forth more effort than most anyone at any other "normal" 9 to 5 job.  (power just went out on our generators as I'm typing this :-).... it's back on now.) But working here is VERY exciting with all the stuff I do and what we are involved in.... lets just say that the stuff me and the other 11 people I work with have a direct impact on saving tons of peoples lives and tons of mission accomplishments (and I'm not talking an impact like how an armory fixes a gun, for someone who can now take it to the field and hope it works and use it to save his life.... a little bigger of an impact than that).

But yea, that's about all I have to say about my life so far, hopefully I can get around to taking more pictures of stuff when I get the time. Thank you all for your support :-)


  1. Wait... friend? I thought you didn't have any of those :) jk thanks for saving my life ill try to return the favor one day if I can.

  2. Hey Jake...great blog..I picture the base with your words..are any of the rocks hard enough to polish? I'm glad you have room to move in your tent..not much fun when you are really jammed into a room...I hear that coffee making is a big thing with your group..It's always good to have something to look forward to at the end of the day...sounds like your days are very, very long, but very satisfying...I'm sure they are glad you are with them and keeping an eye on it all....keep up the great blogging..

  3. Can you ship a few cubic yards of those rocks home? Looks like it would make great base material for our driveway out back :) You get all the fun weather! You're probably in the best spot durring a lightening storm....a well gounded building! Been watching your weather, amazing how much it resembles the high deserts of New Mexico (even including the rocky terrain). Will look to more blogs and pictures of the mountain views you speak of :) Keep safe and know that we are most proud!

  4. Great blog! I look forward to reading each one :) I'll be sending you some coffee pretty soon, I would have sent it out sooner, but I got sort of snowed in. We had several inches fall on thurs and friday. And then on saturday it dropped to 1 degree! Anyways, thanks for protecting us so well, it is much appreciated. I'll be sending you out some coffee either today or tomorrow, I'll be giving you a special blend :) Miss you and love you!

  5. Hey Jake,
    Good descriptions of your area, it seems like the Marines never go anywhere nice to "shock and awe" the locals. Maybe that's why they are so unhappy.
    Let everyone know what we can send you in care packages so we don't have to guess.
    We are very proud of the job all of you are doing over there.
    Semper Fi,
    B and R
