Thursday, February 16, 2012

Into The Groove

Well I'm finally getting into the groove of things here. my work day is actually consistent now, just 12, 13 hours max when everything goes well. that's what i like about my job, if I'm doing my job correctly and nothing breaks then my job is easy and there isn't much to do. But it's never boring because when there's nothing to do for my job, there's always little things I can do to keep busy; organize gear, clean up a bit (there's always dust on equipment) go outside and do some pullups, shoot out some emails... stuff like that.

As Marines we find humor in pretty much anything and if something isn't funny, we make it funny, even though sometimes it's a little over the top. For example, we hear reports of suicide bombers "missing" their targets... as in the only people they kill or even harm is themselves, I'm not sure if that's normal to laugh at but we find it funny when a terrorist blows himself up and only kills himself. Also, one of the guys from our Battalion (lets call him john) who was closer to the "front lines" was doing a mission and got shot, he fell to the floor and just laid there... now most people wouldn't think that this was a good time to play a practical joke, but this guy is kinda like that. When the other Marines rushed over to him not knowing his situation or how bad it was, when they got to John's side he turned over and said, and i quote: "Hey! what's up dudes!?!?" with a smile on his face and a bullet through his leg! haha! The other guys said they couldn't help but laugh as they bandaged him up. He's fine now and is ready to go back to work once the Doc's let him go. The day he got to the hospital he was already posting pictures on FaceBook and boasting about it naturally.

With the kind of work we get done out here and the success we have, I'm REALLY glad I'm on our side of this fight, the terrorists are not having a good time, I can promise you that. I see great success in our future and don't let any news reporter or "Hipster" kid at Starbucks tell you any different. Of my whole time out here and of what I heard from people who have been out here for the past year, we have been winning this war overall.

Well as you can see in my picture, all those sheet forts I used to build as a kid have paid off, we all put up sheets and blankets to block out the lights whenever someone comes into the tent since everyone has different shifts (i sleep from around 11am till 6pm). It's kind of like everyone has their own little room. I also found pictures of us boarding the commercial flight from California to Alaska, which then took us to Kyrgyzstan and then the military flight from Kyrgyzstan to Camp Leatherneck. The pictures in the hanger were at March Air Force Base in California, waiting for our flight  :-)


  1. Again....great pictures, great blogging! The planes may look big but I can only imagine how crammed it really was. As for the war effort, pretty much the same stories floating around Fort Hood when we are there. Like you said, the general public just doesn't understaand and they really don't get it when troups talk about how much better they feel about their job when deployed. Really proud of you and all you are doing:) As for the suicide bombers blowing only themselves up....way to go! I love it when the dregs of society practice self-elimination.....saves us all the trouble! And yes....there is humor in all things, (you've certainly heard enough of my nursing humor!) Nice 'sheet fort' you got there. Since I know how easily you are able to fall asleep in could this be any different?! ;) Keep the and miss you, Mom :)

  2. Jake,
    Happy 22nd Birthday, if my feeble mind has it right, it should be just about 0200 17Feb2012, your time. Our care package is on it's way, look for it in about 2-3 weeks I guess. Nice pictures and update from you. Way to go, fighting the dust on and in your equipment, just stay on top of it. No matter where the Corps goes, there is always the environment to contend with.
    We all here have you in our thoughts, take care and be alert.
    Uncle Bill and Auntie Roxanna

  3. I'm with Uncle Bill: Happy Birthday Jake!! Maybe you can go into the local village and get a new tatoo ;) Your pictures are great with the sun blazing thru. I like your bunk, actually the matteress look pretty thick and quilted blankets, very nice. So where do you store all the package goodies your getting? Don't give up on black humor it will always get you thru the day...remember: "could be worse, could be raining"
    Love you and look forward to the next blog
    Dad and Alice

  4. Love the new entry! I look for a new post from you pretty much every day :) I'm happy to know that the fort building I taught you over the years has paid off! And a sense of humor is the best thing you can have, I laughed at your story about the suicide bombers only taking themselves out.
    Anyways, cool pics, great entry, and I look forward to the next post, or the next time I get to chat with you!
    Love and miss you lots!

  5. Happy birthday Jake! I know I am a little late on this but better than never. Looks like deployment life to me. Make the best of what you got and never ever compare it to "real life". I'm proud to have a brother that is making a difference for this country and all the people that live here and no one will ever be able to thank you enough (no matter how awesome ray's own brand jerky is, heh). Keep up the blog and let everyone know how you are doing. I can't wait for you to shake the sand out of places you didn't know you have and come home to share your stories.

    Bonus hipster joke: Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza? He had to eat it before it was cool.
